Monday, December 15, 2008

Festivities have started in earnest

Thursday night was our triathlon team Christmas dinner - huge fun, loads to drink and three course Christmas Dinner was spot on with Brussel Sprouts, Roast Potatoes etc... Lovely.

The evening ended with a spot of armwretling - strange what booze does to you! Even Shilpa and Ivie took part.

I woke up a bit fragile on Friday morning but still with a smile on my face - a sense of a cold coming on though - oh dear!

Friday Christmas lunch was a Company affair with myself, my Co-MD, Ian and our General Manager Bill. It started off with a Bloody Mary and finished up 8 hours later with a large Cognac. My cold was really brewing now so I passed on the rather large Cuban cigar I'm proud to say.

I probably should have also passed on the 165k bike ride starting at 6a.m. Saturday morning too but as you will all have guessed that seldom happens. It turned out to be a great ride and although a very hilly route it all seemed relatively easy.

I had a strange conversation with Denis, he said he was a Sci-Fi buff but had never watched the greatest film ever made - THE MATRIX - I was shocked - Denis you may borrow my copy of this movie for"educational" purposes.

This was followed by tea and cakes at Ian and Siti's as they're off to Australia for Christmas.

Saturday night was dinner and then drinks with our "twin" friends (before they all leave for Christmas) - without the requisite twins I hasten to add. A lovely Thai meal was had followed by drinks overlooking KL at a roof top nightspot - Shilpa drove home and I slept on the back seat - as I said before OH DEAR.

Sunday morning I woke up with the cold well advanced and that meant that the usual 21k run was abandoned - I did contemplate it for the evening though but luckily Bella, Christopher and Asha came round and Bella and I had some cognac instead!!!! Medicinal purposes of course. Bella and family are also away for Christmas. It's going to be very quiet - we're just about the only ones staying it seems.

After they left I settled down in front of the home theatre system. Inspired by my conversation with Denis I watched The Matrix - AWESOME. [Don't mess with Agent Smith - he's some bad dude].

Monday morning I shall spare you the "green" details coming out of my lungs but all air con was turned off and I had to take a day sick, tch tch tch...

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