Thursday, December 11, 2008

Phuket Triathlon

(Photos courtesy of Ivie and Shilpa)

Well to cut a long story short I didn't make the podium (far from it actually) but I did get a Phuket personal best and had a great race so I'm not complaining. In fact I came 5th in my age-group and missed the podium by almost 10 minutes, had it been a few seconds then I'd have been disappointed but being so far away I'll settle for the PB.

The competition was red-hot with Martin Malleier who normally cleans up in the Asian races was only third and I met the fourth placed guy who has qualified for Hawaii IM. Not only that but my age-group was the biggest category - flippin baby-boomers, I blame the free love hippy parents!

The day started with the usual multiple cups of coffee and sit downs - I've taken to cutting out caffeine intake one week before a race to get extract benefit from the coffee hit on race day - this is recommended in all the usual tri magazines and does seem to work.

I didn't arrive at the start very early but was set up in no time and on the ferry across the lagoon that we'd later be swimming in. Phuket is an interesting race as the first 1200 metres swim takes place in the ocean (nice buoyant saltwater) you then run across a steep beach and dive into a lagoon (not very buoyant fresh water) for the next 620 metres. It's a bit of a shock diving into the lagoon if you're not ready for the sudden lack of buoyancy let me tell you.

33min43secs So the swim went well, a new PB by a couple of minutes. No dramas except I slipped on the ramp coming out and tore a great hole in the front of my leg - OUCH!

1min32secs Transition was OK but I lost about 10secs struggling with my helmet - doesn't sound like a lot but it's "free time" I gave away - annoying! I plan to use a bit of tape to position the straps for future races - every second counts SECOND (or in this case 5th) doesn't.

1hr35min37secs Bike was OK too (55k), Shahrom came past near the foot of the first climb which was great news, if I could use him to pace then the bike was going to be fast. I kept him in sight up the first couple of hills and then disaster struck, at the bottom of a steep descent I changed my front AND back derailleurs at the same time - what a rookie mistake!!! tension in the chain was lost and it came off. Normally you can quickly change gears, spin the pedals and get the chain back on but not so today. I was at the foot of a steep steep climb and quickly came to a total stop. I jumped off, got it sorted out but then I'd lost all momentum and probably 30 seconds at least - Shahrom was gone - oh well ay!

Things from here onwards went reasonably well, I ended up riding with 3 other guys for the last 15k rotating the lead and everyone sitting in the legal draft zone - this was a none drafting race but the draft zone was only 7m which still offers some energy savings. Bike time ended up being a PB but only by 30secs.

1min18secs Transition was good and I was off running with a high and strong cadence straight away. Unlike the last time I did this race much of the run was off road and across a very spongy golf course - oo ere - this was tough. I started picking people up straight away and overtook loads of people while only being overtaken myself by a couple of athletes - one was Aaron who was on fire today. 45 seconds slower than my previous best here but since it was mainly off-road I was preety pleased all things considered.

48mins59secs I saw Shilpa, Sid and Seb four times on the run and this was an awesome boost, I hi-fived them each time I went past - the first time they went ballistic, by the fourth time the novelty was wearing off and the heat was getting to them - gorgeous little darlings.

The weather was really kind to us and was amazingly cool compared to previous outings in Phuket. I finished the race in great shape (although the picture suggests otherwise) one place behind Aaron. Very pleased with the days work - went off for a well earned massage before seeing Randy, Sam (1st place in his category), Emma (3rd place in her category) and Bee finishing with big smiles on their faces - a great days racing for Team Tri-Hard and lots to celebrate at the prize-giving.


  1. Anonymous1:05 am

    well done fast boy! shows how far you have come these days that podium places are within grasp (or grasped!) up and relax for a bit (yes, that's a joke!)

    see ya soon, Chantz x

  2. Anonymous11:11 pm

    Wah..well done.!

    BTW,Cameraman Ivie skill improve already..cheers !!

