Thursday, December 04, 2008

Jan "Schumacher" Koch

My "little" baby nephew Jan just passed his driving test - Congratulations dude. "Now you've 'learnt' to drive you can actually start learning to drive" - that's what my dad told me when I passed my test - whatever that means!

On the theme of fatherly advice, my buddy Nick Flynn reminded me of a story yesterday from some movie or other, it's probably badly misquoted but goes along the lines of this: -

A chap was on his death bed and says to his son "Son when I was standing where you are at my own fathers death bed he said to me - 'Son, life is like an orange'"

The son asked his father "What did he mean by that?"

The father looked him in the eye and said "Son, I asked him the same question and he told me 'I'm buggered if I know so go and work it out for yourself'".

No doubt Nick will put me straight on the actual quote, movie name, actors and Oscar nominations as he continues to find any distraction he can find from getting a haircut, job and joining us in the real world - sorry Nick, couldn't resist. How's the surf in Bali today?

On a final note, I'm now gearing up for the Phuket Triathlon on Sunday. It's my second of two focus races this year, the first being Singapore Tri (I came 3rd in my age-group) - I wasn't really fit or down to weight for Singapore and I'm similarly situated for Phuket - Oh well ay! I'll give it my best shot, destroy myself on the run, collapse over the line, try not to throw my guts up and then enjoy myself for a few days with the family (who knows I might even squeeze a podium out of it but please don't put any money on it).

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