Thursday, December 04, 2008

Shilpa's Account

I've been meaning to write about my 1st marathon in Bangkok but just haven't had a minute.... had my 1st assignment to hand-in the week after the run and my 1st group presentation plus group meetings and classes....excuses, excuses, excuses...

Where shall I start? I had a girls trip to Bangkok with Andrea and Marieke booked very early on this year and to justify our trip without too much guilt (we all left our kids in hubbies' good hands), we included a 10 kms standard chartered run in our action packed agenda which only comprised of SHOPPING, EATING, DRINKING and MASSAGES...Simon was really cool about my trip but added, it's hardly worth going for 10 kms? Why not half marathon? Knowing very well that Simon would say this, with a big smile on my face, I replied, Oh, there isn't a half marathon category - it's either 5 kms, 10 kms, or a full marathon. So in typical Simon style with a slight grin on his face, he replied, well then you should do the FULL MARATHON......Ha ha ha, I thought to myself. NEVER...

I have done a few 10 kms and couple of half marathons in the last 5 years but have never enjoyed running or been a consistent runner. From NEVER EVER intending to do a marathon (only crazy people do that sort of LONG DISTANCE RUNNING) to MAYBE I will do one in September this year (after we got back from UK and Germany), to YES I will do one it early October.......I can honestly say that I surprised myself and enjoyed every minute of my first marathon.

Whilst in Germany and UK this summer, I did a lot of running and really began to enjoy it. When we got back to KL, I didn’t think I would continue but much to my own surprise (and disgust), I was doing 21 kms every Sunday morning with Simon and the group plus short runs during the week around Country Heights. It felt good. I was fitter than I've ever been. I thought to myself, this is all very bizarre. How come I'm enjoying this? How come I'm not huffing and puffing as much as I used to.....and how come I am running faster than I used to? Two reasons came to mind....first was YOGA. I have been a regular yoga disciple since Jan this year and I know for sure that it's built my stamina, strength and flexibility. Second was what Simon has always said to me, If you set your mind to do something, you can do it....that was when I decided hey, maybe I should think of doing a marathon...

I continued training, building up the distance every week - 21kms, 25 kms, 28 kms, 32 kms, and then to a distance I never thought I could do - 42 kms - NOT BAD I THOUGHT.

Despite doing the full distance as part of my training, I still didn't gather the courage to register for the race so in the end, my sweet darling husband registered me for the Standard Chartered Full Marathon in Bangkok on 23rd November 2008. That's it, I thought, there is no way back now...

A few days before the race, Simon decided he would come to BKK for 1 night to support me for the race. Really thoughtful of him and I was very touched, but all that was going through my mind was - No way, you can't leave the kids on their own with our full time helpers, even if it's only for 1 night. That's not right. We are responsible parents...What IF something happens? Thankfully, Ivie and Randy came to our rescue and very kindly spent their weekend with Seb n Sid. Apparently, all 4 had a great time. Thanks guys.

Friday morning, Andrea, Marieke and I left for Bangkok with big smiles on our faces knowing that we were going to have a great time. All day Friday we never talked about our run. We had too many other things on our mind. It was Andrea and Marieke's 1st 10 km run but they seemed very relax about it all too...oh whatever, if we can't run it, we'll walk it....and that was my mindset too....

As soon as we dumped our bags at my parents place, we went out for breakfast, lunch, shopping at Jatujak market, a full body massage followed by dinner, followed by drinks at Sirocco (open air rooftop bar on the 62nd floor).....we repeated the same itinerary Saturday as well (except for drinks at the rooftop bar).

Saturday morning, one of my parent's neighbour rang up to say, "Heard you are doing the marathon tomorrow. Good Luck. I don't want to worry you or your friends but do you know that there is a political rally in the morning around the Government House which is where you will be running past". Oh no, I didn't know that. What should we do? Is it safe to run? Oh, whatever, we'll worry about it tomorrow all of us thought. All we could think about was going out for breakfast.

Ashley had very kindly collected our race packs for us and came over to deliver them plus wish us luck Saturday afternoon. Thanks Ash. He said the same thing. Shilps, not sure if you are aware but there is a huge political protest happening tomorrow literally where you will be running. Upon calling up the organizers, we were assured that the rally will start only after our race ends and that the route has slightly changed. My first question was, oh really, so is the route shorter? Much to my disappointment, they replied - it's exactly the same - 42.195 kms.

My race was to start at 2 am that night.

After a heavy meal with lots of my favourite white chocolate cheese cake and toblerone cheese cake at about 5 pm, I called it a day, and went back home to rest. Spent an hour with Simon (who had just arrived from KL) and Ashley and then they went off drinking whilst the girls went shopping.

Instead of getting some sleep, I lazed around for another hour or two and went to bed at 8 only to wake up at 8:30 feeling sick and throwing up all my lunch and dinner. Not a good sign. Oh whatever, if I can't run it, will walk it, I said to myself.

Woke up at midnight and left home at 1 am with Simon for my 1st marathon. Was I stressed? No. What was I feeling? Not sure. Nothing. Simon gave me motivational talks all the way to the start line.

At 2 am sharp, the race started and off I went with a big smile on my face. Simon said - ENJOY.

After about 2 kms, some guy came up to me and said, You are from Malaysia right? Your husband does a lot of running right? We chatted a bit and he said, if you train around Bukit Tunku and Sri Hartamas, this race is relatively easy....No way, I thought. How can a marathon be easy?

I kept running and running and running. It was flat. Water stations every 2 kms. Gatorade stations every 5 kms. Lots of marshals, police, portable toilets, good lighting, and a very peaceful atmosphere. This is great. I am feeling good. Weather was just right - not too humid nor hot. No sun glaring down at me. Slight breeze. And for me, it was just so cool running around Bangkok. The city where I grew up, my home. It was the perfect place for me to do my 1st marathon.

When I ran past the zoo (Pata Pinklao) I had regularly visited as a child, there was a big smile on my face.

Chatted with a few people along the way not letting on that I speak Thai. A group of Thai guys whom I was trying to catch up with for about 5-7 kms said to each other in Thai, hey she catches us up every time we drop her.....we have to beat her....ha, I understood that of course.....that was appx 28 kms into the run. I was still feeling strong, ran a little bit faster, overtook them and didn’t see them again.

Close to about 5:45 am, monks were coming out on the streets and hawker stalls opening up to serve Thai noodles and breakfast. It was just so Thai. With the Thai temples in the background, the smell of yummy Thai food and the sun coming up, it was beautiful. I felt like I could just keep running.

As I got close to the finish line with a big smile on my face, my eyes were looking out for Simon. He was there about 10 meters before the end. I knew that he would be so happy with my time and more importantly, happy for me that I'd enjoyed it. Although I put in the effort, it was Simon who encouraged and supported me throughout. Thanks sweetie.

I can proudly say that I didn't stop at all (ran through water stations as well) and enjoyed every minute of the run. And hey, according to Seb n Sid, mummy was No.1.

We waited for Andrea and Marieke to finish their 1st 10 km run. A few tears from Marieke as she crossed the finish line overwhelmed by it all....well done girls.

And guess what, immediately after the run, we went back to shower and out to eat, shop and massage AGAIN before we flew back to KL that evening. Great trip.

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