Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dr Tan surviving Gobi March

He's completed Day Three now as people are dropping out daily. Dr. Tan really is hard as nails, one of the mentally toughest people I know.

Tan Tah Ming 53 Stg1 10:20:24 Stg2 10:23:30 Stg3 10:55:40

Yesterday ended at 3000+ metres above sea level, tough - up to Shipton's Arch otherwise know as "Heaven's Gate" (The largest natural arch in the world).

Today is a "Marathon" Stage (almost) 41.2k and tomorrow 78.7k (that will be a long day).

Go Dr. Tan Go.


  1. cool...he's a tough nut.!

  2. Happy with his progress. Hopefully he gets the emails.
