Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Qualified for Xterra Worlds in Maui

I shan't go on much more about Xterra as I'm sure that by now some are probably getting a little tired of my enthusiasm for the Xterra Malaysia event and this type of race in general.

However, I got an email the other day which really surprised me and I was dead chuffed about. Having finished 2nd in my age-group I got automatic qualification for the Xterra Worlds in Maui which will be held at the end of October.

I don't really feel like I've earned it and it's a long way to go for a relatively short race together with the fact that Shilpa and the boys can't make those dates either - plus I'd need a new bike (is this point a negative or a positive?).

So in a nutshell I turned down the invitation today - I may live to regret it but if it becomes harder to qualify in years to come then the achievement will be all the more sweeter.

At last I've found some photos (mainly courtesy of Shazly, thanks dude) of the day itself.

At the briefing with Jack.

Coming out of the swim Jellyfish stings and all.

There were only two expressions I had on my face during the bike - 1) Exhausted 2) Terrified - this was the exhausted look.

Stomping out of the jungle like an elephant with a hangover.

After the finish with Cecil.

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