Monday, November 30, 2009

Courage to be out there

Simon says: - I took this quote from the blog of Bryan Payne - Training Payne. Well said Bryan (both Bryan and I have had our struggles with personal largeness so we know firsthand the pain, mental and physical, that one needs to go through to transform oneself.)

Additionally, I must say that I add to the list of respect all the "newbies", those people that may not be overweight but are no less self conscious or intimidated but still get out there and give it a shot.

I've quoted this before but it's worth repeating - as John "The Penguin" Bingham says "It's not the miracle that I finished but that I had the courage to start"

"Whenever I run or drive by a fat person running, I cheer them on in my mind. I have have a lot of respect for them. They are overweight or out right fat, they know they are, they are trying to lose weight and they have the guts to do it in public were they may feel self conscious and others may ridicule them. I have more respect and admiration for these people than the ultra fit, who I also admire, just not as much. I find seeing a fat person trying to get in shape and lose weight is very motivating. " - By Bryan Payne.


  1. so true, been there myself.

  2. S, thanks, I'm glad you liked it. How much weight are you down?

  3. Was 107kg (235lbs) in 2000 - not good considering I'm only 1.74m tall (5'9"). Now I'm floating around 70kg (154lbs).

  4. S, that is an AMAZING weight loss. Great job man. Wow.
