Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Sid and Seb's birthday cake cutting

Sid and Seb turn 4 years old on the 31st December. This is during school holidays so we designated the 30th November for their "official" school birthday cake cutting. It was going to be the week before but unfortunately the school was closed due t a limited breakout of H1N1. Seb got very sick as well (we don't know whether it was H1N1 for him but he's better now thank goodness), so it was better all round that we changed the dates.

Here are a few photos of the little angels: -

First of all Mummy tells all the children about Sid and seb, their likes and dislikes and all about them being twins.

Then the boys take around some photograpghs of when they were younger. Here Seb has photos of him and Sid riding toy motorbikes around a track at Kuantan and the three boys having ice-cream together just after the Genting Challenge.

Sid is holding a photo from when they were still one year old (almost two at halloween (probably time we passed the outfit on to their little cousins).

Then it was time for their Thomas the Tank Engine cake to be brought out. Mummy had it made especially with their favourite engines on - note Molly the Engine is their as she's yellow - very important for Sid.

Sid doesn't need to be asked twice to blow out the candles - the boy is fast!!!

Then just like the perfect twins they are they cut the cake together.

Here are Shilpa's three boys being especially well behaved and listening to the teacher (naturally I only put this on for the boys as a good example - I was never this well behaved at school and amazingly the teachers say that Sid and Seb are two of the most well behaved kids in the whole school!)

All the kids singing and dancing together.


  1. Looks like a great party. Amazing how Kids enjoy these special moments.
    Congrats to the boys with their upcoming birthday.

  2. Wow. Dec 31, I guess you guys thought it might be Jan 1st. Looks like a good time you guys had. Great photo's

  3. love the cake!! :-D

  4. Actually Bryan they were supposed to be born at the end of March so MEGA PREMATURE - a real scary time of our lives - they then spent 2 months in incubators. WOW, that seems like a lifetime ago.

    One good thing though, they'll never be without a party to go to or a beer to drink on their birthday being New Years Eve.

  5. Hey Johan, the boys seemed pretty subdued, I think it was Daddy that enjoyed himself the most! It's like having a second childhood. (But no need to tell you that skater boy).
