Simon says: -
The Fresh Air Fund has now managed to find 650 host families out of the 850 families that are needed to fulfil the needs of the inner city and underprivileged children for summer placements with host families. Please take a moment to look at the link below and consider whether you can help.
Sara Wilson from The Fresh Air Fund writes below: -
"Hi again Simon
I wanted to reach out to thank you again for helping to spread the word over the past few months about the Fresh Air Fund's need for host families. With your help, we've been able to find 650 of the 850 host families we need. Right now there is just one week left for us to place the remaining 200 children with a loving host family for a Fresh Air experience that can change lives. I was hoping you could post on Tritwins to keep the issue alive in the minds of your readers and followers. Even a Tweet or Facebook post could help.
Please feel free to use any of the images, graphics, banners, or copy from our microsite - or just share the link:
If you are able to help, please let me know so I can share it with the team.
Thank you again,
Sara Wilson,
Twitter @freshairfund"
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