Sunday, February 10, 2008

"TAPER" - The Most Beautiful of Words

Well it's over; training for Ironman Malaysia is done and dusted. Swimming is spot on, cycling was a struggle for a long time as it took me longer than usual to recover from Ironman Western Australia. Not only that, but last weekend I almost "bonked" (totally depleted of energy and power) on a ride to PD that I'd normally excel on.

However, on Friday I took to the roads alone as most of the group were doing other things for Chinese New Year. I headed out for the dreaded Broga loop (very hilly and hot). Before I knew it I was at the first drink refill at Petronas Kuala Klawang in 2:45 and before I'd realised what had happened I conquered the hills and was back in Seminyih. At this point never before have I had either the inclination or the courage to take a right hand turn and head back to the Dam and another 66km to get home (from Seminyih it's just 17k straight) - But on Friday the right hand turn was taken gladly and with a grin of expectation on my rather grimy face. A quick stop and a refuel at the Dam and then put the hammer down for home - 197k, averaging 31.9kph - NICE.

That is where this fairytale ends and the sad tragic tale of woe begins. Having got back from Ironman WA in early December I immediately tried to bang out a swift 21k run - big mistake, my right foot needed a lot more rest and whatever I did to it (I haven't had the courage or the sense to go and get it looked at yet) it's not gotten any better. Most mornings I hobble around for the first hour like a cripple being unable to put any weight on it. When it warms up it's OK but I can still feel the injury. Last Sunday I set out on a 42k easy run which ended after 13k with a hobble and shuffle back to the car.

This Sunday morning I woke up at 5:30 to try the 42k again and managed a hobble and a shuffle to the bathroom and then back to bed. Oh Well Ay! In the words of Ian Hay, "I'll get as far as I can on the training I've done and the rest I'll survive on a bit of Dunkirk Spirit".

So there we have it, the taper begins, two weeks of light exercise now, keeping up the swimming, no more long rides but some easy morning rides and a couple of 60k time trials - as for running, probably the next run I will do is when I dismount my bike on February the 23rd - how long it lasts will no doubt be recorded on these pages a day or two later. Wish me luck, this is one Ironman where I really am going to need it.


Anonymous said...

Good luck!

sofiantriathlete said...

all the best