Chris, the kids and I set off just before 6am this morning to meet Dom and Rob at Seaford sea front for our inaugural Olympic distance tri.

After a quick photoshoot with the mayor, the small wave of women set off, followed 10 minutes later by a much larger bloke group (who we had to swim through/over on the second lap!). The sea was a bit wavy and choppy, with a reasonable tide which meant one leg took ages and one whizzed by. Two laps of the triangle were duly completed and we headed out on the bikes, only separated by a minute or two.

The bike was 12 laps of an out and back, one way into an increasing headwind and the other a lovely speedy dash back to the turnaround. Saw Chris and the kids every lap which was cool. I really tried to keep good speed up the whole way and was pleased to have averaged 18mph by the end of the 40km.

Out onto the run, now about 4 minutes ahead of Dom and it was head down for 4 laps along the seafront. I must have worked on the bike, my legs were shot away for the first few km's but gradually eased up and I had enough left to speed up for the last couple of km's. Was pretty chuffed with my time (I'd hoped to finish in anything under 3 hours) and Dom came in about 15 mins later to our huge cheers.

She really did brilliantly for a first ever triathlon and we were all so proud of her.
[Simon Wrote: This is what everyone should look like when they finish a triathlon - in fact it is what everyone should look like when they get out of bed in the morning! Awesome job Dom - as they say a photo says a thousand words and this photo epitomises what it's all about - triathlon, health, fitness, life, the universe, EVERYTHING!]Sasha and Tim came along a bit later and we all had a post race pub lunch near Brighton before heading our separate ways.

Chantal 2hrs 46mins
Dom 2hrs 59mins 39secs!!
1 comment:
well done .. only got a small swim before work to day reading this makes me want to put my running shoes on and just run
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