Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaacck! Doc gives the all clear!

I just got back from the doctors and he's given me the all clear. No residual infection or flem and he suspects no scarring (although he can't say for sure). He's given me the all clear to train again and didn't seem too annoyed when I mentioned that I'd sneaked in a few runs and a couple of cycles when he said only to swim 10 minutes a day.

Here's one of the pictures taken when I had the endoscopy. Pretty impressive ay? If you're in any doubt this is from the inside of my lungs and yes the green and black stuff is flem - yum yum (I hope you're not having dinner)

He suggests that I should build up to my previous full fitness over the next 6 weeks; but moderating the intensity and distance to start with. Sounds like what I had planned anyway.

I also asked him about the problems that I'd been having with my right eardrum since the pneumonia - obviously there had been some traumatic and related problems with that. The first doctor (who missed the fact that I'd got pneumonia) suggested that it was a build up of earwax - naturally I dismissed this as nonsense. The doctor at the hospital that treated my pneumonia obviously knew his stuff and sent me straight down to the ear, nose and throat specialist who got to work on it immediately.

With the urgency that these guys got on top of things it was clear that it must have been serious and upon enquiring the E,N & T specialist proudly announced "A bit of earwax! All gone now" - I felt like a bit of a pansy but at least I can hear now. Which reminds me of a joke: -

Two little old men who were a little hard of hearing were sitting on a park bench, one says to the other "It's windy today";

His friend replies "No, I think it's Thursday".

"Me too" says the first man "Let's go and have a cup of tea".

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