Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Busselton Q&A's (Between Sam and the Organizers)

See the response to Sam's queries from organizer of Busselton Ironman re swim course fyi.

Q. Has the race allowed wetsuits in past years? A. Yes, the water temperature for the previous years has been fine to wear wetsuits.

Q. When will the organizers decide on whether to allow wetsuits or not? A. The Triathlon Australia appointed Technical Delegate will take the water temperature 24 hours before race start and the reading will be displayed at Bike Check In and Gear Kit Bag Registration on Saturday afternoon. The water temperature will be taken again on Race Morning and the wearing of wetsuits will be conditional upon the water temperature. The water should be in the vicinity of 21 degrees Celsius in which case wetsuits will be optional. Water temperature above 24 degrees Celsius will mean a compulsory non-wetsuit swim.

Wetsuits may be checked for acceptable thickness and illegal flotation inserts after the swim. Wetsuits which do not meet Triathlon Australia acceptable standards in this regard may result in disqualification. Please note – long sleeved and sleeveless wetsuits are permitted.

Q. Is the sea condition likely to be calm-ish or choppy?
A. Last year the sea was very calm and perfect to swim in, although the first two years the sea was quite rough – so unfortunately it just depends on the weather conditions on race day.

Q. Will the swim course be lined with marker buoys at intervals?
A. Yes

Q. Do you ever have problems with shark attacks?
A. No, no problems, we're very used to dealing with them now. We never loose more than one or two competitors to sharks and they're normally only the slower swimmers.

Q. Did Simon add the last question and should we ignore it?
A. Yes he did and yes you should ignore it. There are no more sharks - they've all been eaten by the saltwater crocodiles.

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