Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Myanmar - the forgotten Iraq

Dear Mr. Bush,

I have to say you've done a wonderful job of messing up in Iraq. Although one could argue that you finished the work that your dad started and failed to finish himself. Oh the benefit of hindsight - I guess we all make mistakes but when you're the so called "Leader of the Free World" even small mistakes can have catastrophic consequences! Iraq sadly cannot be described as a small mistake.

I've long since abandoned any passionate views on day to day politics and politicians - sadly the people that lead our countries are the people that want to lead not the people that should lead!

But this very point brings me nicely to Myanmar where I do have some passionate views as should we all. If there was ever a genuine case for an invasion to oust a sinister and evil military dictatorship this is it and has been for as long as I can remember. This particular leadership cannot even claim that there is no viable alternative as the people of the country have already voted overwhelmingly for a democratic party to take power. This vote of the people was then viciously suppressed and the people of Burma have been brutally oppressed ever since.

Aung San Suu Kyi has to be one of the most capable and credible leaders the world has ever seen. She is Asia's Nelson Mandela (although unlike Mr. Mandela has never supported or been actively involved in violent means to bring about change). The closest I can come as a comparison of her ideals and purity is Mahatma Gandhi.

Come on Mr. Bush, you're a good honest warmongering Texan, you may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer and I know that Myanmar doesn't have the same natural resources as Iraq but invading Myanmar might be your saving grace, a legacy you can actually be proud of; it certainly won't damage your reputation any more than it already is.

Yours gratefully,

Simon Cross

PS If you do invade I suggest you delegate the speech making to someone else - know your strengths and stick to them - i.e. keep up the mountain biking.

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