Friday, October 26, 2007

Pah, to a Double Ironman! Gimme Deca Ironman

Recently Chantal sent me a link to the UK's first Double Iron distance race. It didn't so much as tickle a fancy in me as I knew there are far more deserving challenges to confront.

I clicked on the link anyway for idle curiosity and immediately honed in on this: -

Stand by for the Deca Iron UK in 2009!! - - NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT - all I need now is someone as daft as me as a training buddy and then BRING IT ON.

All interested applicants please add you details to comments below. I may not be able to get back to you all immediately as I expect the response to be overwhelming.


Anonymous said...

For your 50th??? Sounds like this is a better challenge than doing Marathon Des Sables again... Shilpa

Simon said...

Looks like the wife's trying to finish me off by the time I reach 50!