Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Now I'm Angry!

I've just heard that the winner of Sunday's BHP Orange Run, Jean-Pierre LAUTREDOUX, was disqualified. I couldn't wait to go online and find out what dastardly deed he committed, did he cheat, take a shortcut, block another competitor, take a taxi...what could it have been...DRUGS MAYBE? Oh the scandal of it!

I was dumbfounded, shocked and I'm now positively angry to find out that his crime was TO BE A FOREIGNER! Interesting though that the organisers didn't notice that when they took his entry money, nor when he lined up at the start and seemingly they only noticed it once he won the race and the sad LOSERS that he beat complained. Even more strangely is that none of the other foreigners that ran were disqualified; I guess he must have been more foreign or something.

As for the organisers, I'll never win a running race until my legs grow 6 inches longer but I will promise you this I WILL NEVER RUN THE BHP ORANGE RUN out of protest and I urge every decent Malaysian who thrives on competition to boycott the race next year - this is clearly not a race worth winning or even taking part in.

I made my feelings pretty clear in my post KLIM 2008 and Those Darned Kenyans and from the many responses I got the overriding consensus is outrage at this sort of attitude.

In conclusion I'd like to say to Jean-Pierre, congratulations on the win, don't let it get you down, you're an inspiration to me whenever I see you running; and take comfort from the fact that you kicked these LOSERS butts at the age of 42 and I've no doubt you'll still be beating them at 52.


yipwt said...

sucks to be in that position...

Keipo said...


For more info to u angry..hehe

Why other foreign winners in top 15 didn't DSQ ?? Like Iwata ??


Cause the organiser said allow to let foreigner who work or study in Malaysia to take part and won the prize.

That is no sportmanship from the loser to protest.

Unknown said...

Sad. Thats "Malaysia Boleh"...

Anonymous said...

Hi Simon,
Thanks for your support. Found your post just now by luck on Google. I've never seen u in the races. Come to see me next time.If i can help u with some advises for your training, don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards.

Simon said...

Hey Jean-Pierre,

For sure I’ll introduce myself next time. I’m not much of a runner – certainly not by your standards and usually take run races as training (either easy or speed) for my triathlons. I’ll be at Mizuno if you’re there. Let’s hope that the best athletes win and the ones that don’t use the experience to get faster.

Best regards,
