Monday, May 18, 2009

What a loser

7 Lessons that a beginner needs to learn: -

1. Know your limits - 36k with the first 21k fast may sound easy - but wait until you're out there!

2. When trying radical new shoes don't try them on your longest training run of the year.

3. When the podiatrist says "Wear these orthopedic inserts and never run without them again" - don't forget his advice/instruction/command. And definitely not if you're wearing a radical new shoe.

4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate - especially in the tropics, especially running long and fast and especially after being a little H2O depleted after a long bike ride the day before.

5. Nutrition - even if you're planning to do a long run without breakfast or gels then at least take a gel with you just in case. If you remember to do that then don't be an ar$e, remember to take it.

6. Sodium - especially important in relation to 4 and 5. If you're in the tropics, going long and hard and don't eat anything then you are going to suffer from sodium depletion.

7. NEVER, run with your wife while suffering the above pitfalls otherwise you have to hear those vicious, soul-destroying phrases such as: -
- "I'll wait for you at the top of the hill"
- "Go on run a bit now, it's flat"
- "Not far now, you can do it"
and probably the worst: -
- "I think you're doing really well considering..."

Simon says: - "I'm sure you've guessed it by now but I suffered from all of the above yesterday in the New Balance 15k. I did the 21k fast beforehand and felt pretty average but amazingly my time was great (4th fastest over that course actually), I forgot to take the gel I carried with me at the 11k point and clearly didn't drink enough.

Having got back to the car park I called Shilpa to find that she was still in bed!!!! My race started in 8 minutes and hers in 23 minutes - with great credit to her though, she raced to get there and we started about 15 minutes late - fortunately we just caught race marshalls as they were leaving their posts and then caught some back runners so at least we didn't stray from the course.

While I was waiting for Shilpa to get there I forgot to take a gel AGAIN, so no fuel nor sodium, I drank all the water I had (so clearly I hadn't brought enough) and although I'd brought my regular running shoes and orthopedic inserts, for some mad, insane, crazy reason I chose not to change into them from the Newton's that I was trying out.

After about 3K I had severe stomach cramps, lack of sodium I'm pretty sure now as my kidneys are in a lot of pain today. Soon after I was walking on an off.

Shilpa really didn't want to be there having just got back from a trip to Thailand the day before and having overslept, but she ran/walked (I dictated the walking element as she was fine) all the way with me and was really sweet and supportive. Interesting when the shoe is on the other foot - it's easy to see how supportive and cheerful comments don't always get interpreted that way when one is in pain and misery.

As for the Newtons - I was pretty impressed, I'll write up my thoughts later this week.

1 comment:

Johan Stemmet said...

hi Simon
can wait for your thought on the newton shoes. want to buy a pair but is a bit scared