Monday, May 25, 2009

Moutain Biking in FRIM on Friday Morning

I have made a bit of a rash decision and entered the Xterra race which is in two weekends time. Having only ridden a Mountain Bike once and fallen off twice I need some rapid practise - a Mountain Bike 101 "Crash" course is how I like to phrase my needs(pun intended).

So anyone that would like to ride in FRIM on Friday morning, get some air in their lungs - mainly through laughing at me then please leave a comment below. All assistance greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

heckler said...

good luck simon,

too bad i can't join you. just remember, try not to off the saddle in mtr and cadence won't help that much. if you have a granny of 34T with a lock-out fork, it does help a little.

have fun.